7 Proven Ways To Identify And Prevent Insider Threats - Hostnoc7 Proven Ways To Identify And Prevent Insider Threats

7 Proven Ways to Identify and Prevent Insider Threats

7 Proven Ways to Identify and Prevent Insider Threats

Published by Sarmad Hasan July 2, 2021 . 5 min read

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According to the Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report, 34% of all breaches in 2018 were caused by insiders. If that wasn’t alarming enough, the cost of insider threats is also on the rise.  According to the Cost of Insider Threat Global report 2020, the global cost of insider threat has increased by 31% in the last two years, crossing a whopping $11.45 million, and the frequency of incidents also jumped by 47% during the same time period.

Insider threats are also harder to detect and contain. It took companies six months just to identify an insider data breach. That is why it is important for businesses to know about key insider threat actors, identify threat patterns and know how to spot and mitigate an insider threat.

In this article, you will learn about seven tried and tested ways to identify insider threats.

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