Mobile Device Security At Workplace: 5 Risks You Need To Be Aware Of
Published by Sarmad Hasan January 4, 2019 . 1 min read
5 Common Types of Hackers You Need To Be Aware Of
December 31, 2018Interview With Founder of Tideways, Benjamin Eberlei
January 7, 2019The talks of good old times are making us reminisce the room-sized computers of the yore. And look today how technology has shrunk computers to fit your palm. This portability and power help us perform tasks even on the move. With our increasing reliance on mobile devices and the growing trend of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), we are seeing these mobile devices trickle into our offices.
There are two sides to a coin, mobile devices pose a security risk at work as they are more vulnerable to security attacks. The technologies leveraged by mobile devices to connect with the internet, be it a Wi-Fi or cellular data, is not infallible. Add to that the amount of sensitive data stored on your mobile devices and the risk of social engineering attacks, you need to be extra cautious when using mobile devices at work.
Here is an infographic highlighting the five biggest security risks that your mobile devices pose at work.