Important Things You Can Do To Prevent Domain Credential Theft

7 Important Things You Can Do To Prevent Domain Credential Theft

7 Important Things You Can Do To Prevent Domain Credential Theft

Published by Sarmad Hasan September 13, 2021 . 5 min read

Prevent Domain Credential Theft

Domain credential theft have become a major issue. According to statistics, there are 15 billion stolen usernames and passwords circulating on the dark web. Additionally, credential theft grew by more than 300% from 2018 to 2020. Cyberattackers reuse stolen domain credentials to log in to operating systems and bypass local security authorities.

Cybercriminals can dump stolen domain credentials on local security authority subsystem service memory and use tools or execute commands to identify passwords they can reuse. Usually, domain credentials are created when logon data is authenticated by a registered security package. The domain credentials can be used both on the same domains as well as on different domains.

Thankfully, cross-domain use will be visible by the user being authenticated. To turn on this feature, you will have to use active directory trust capabilities. This can enable cross-domain authentication. Despite this, the second domain will still have to seek permission to perform high privilege operations.

In this article, you will learn about seven things you can do to minimize the risk of domain credential theft.

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