7 Ways To Reduce Your Enterprise Attack Surface And Minimize The Risk - Hostnoc

7 Ways To Reduce Your Enterprise Attack Surface and Minimize The Risk

7 Ways To Reduce Your Enterprise Attack Surface and Minimize The Risk

Published by Sarmad Hasan July 19, 2021 . 6 min read

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The adoption of cloud, remote work and BYOD trends have led to an exponential increase in the attack surface of enterprises. What’s even worse is that most organizations don’t have an enterprise attack surface management program in place to deal with the growing attack surface. This makes it easy for cybercriminals to target enterprises because they have more targets to hit and more vulnerabilities to exploit.

Some organizations have a plan but they don’t execute that plan effectively while others don’t even have a plan in place to keep the attack surface in check. With an efficient enterprise attack surface management system in place, you can easily identify vulnerabilities by analyzing operations but also understand the threat landscape in a much better way. This will help you develop a comprehensive plan and also execute it correctly.

In this article, you will learn about seven ways you can use to reduce your enterprise attack surface and provide fewer opportunities for hackers to exploit those vulnerabilities.

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