Unparalleled Performance Guaranteed
with Lightning-fast & Robust Dedicated Servers

Whether you're looking to host simple web apps or require a high-performance
computing solution for your scalable deployments, we've got your back.

We Drive Your Servers.
You Enjoy Soaring Success.

Dedicated server plans designed to get the most bang for your buck.

Now 50% Off! - $19.59 /Month

Original $39.17/month

  • Server
  • CPU
  • RAM
  • Hard Drive
  • Bandwidth
  • Location
  • HN-CD-1
  • Atom D525 1.8 GHz 2 cores
  • 4 GB DDR3
  • 1× 500 GB (HDD SATA)
  • 100 Mbps - 30 TB
  • Los Angeles
  • Order Now

Now 50% Off! - $22.39 /Month

Original $44.77/month

  • Server
  • CPU
  • RAM
  • Hard Drive
  • Bandwidth
  • Location
  • HN-CD-2
  • Core i3-2130 3.4 GHz 2 cores
  • 8 GB DDR3
  • 1× 2 TB (HDD SATA)
  • 100 Mbps Unmetered
  • Montreal
  • Order Now

Now 50% Off! - $29.39 /Month

Original $58.77/month

  • Server
  • CPU
  • RAM
  • Hard Drive
  • Bandwidth
  • Location
  • HN-CD-3
  • Core i5-2300 2.8 GHz 4 cores
  • 16 GB DDR3
  • 1× 2 TB (HDD SATA)
  • 100 Mbps Unmetered
  • Montreal
  • Order Now

Now 50% Off! - $25.72 /Month

Original $51.44/month

  • Server
  • CPU
  • RAM
  • Hard Drive
  • Bandwidth
  • Location
  • HN-CD-4
  • Xeon L3426 1.8 GHz 4 cores
  • 16GB DDR3
  • 2× 2 TB (HDD SATA)
  • 1 Gbps Unmetered
  • Paris
  • Order Now

Why Choose Dedicated Server?
Faster. Stronger. Yours Only.

There's not a lot of buzz around dedicated servers, but when it comes to real-life use cases, the dedicated offer the best capabilities and loads of benefits that most infrastructure clients are searching for. When you're seeking outstanding performance at the best possible price with utmost reliability and unhinged control, dedicated servers are the way to go.

Built for Speed & Performance

Powerful configuration options that deliver fast and butter-smooth user experience for virtually any magnitude of workloads.

When it comes to long-term heavy workload management, you'll pay less for more on dedicated servers ranging from low-end to multi-processors with hundreds of Gbs of memory.

Absolute Security

A bare-metal server means you're aware of the hardware and software stack. This allows you to remove any gaps that can compromise security.


Built for Speed & Performance

Powerful configuration options that deliver fast and butter-smooth user experience for virtually any magnitude of workloads.

Best Price to Performance Ratio

When it comes to long-term heavy workload management, you'll pay less for more on dedicated servers ranging from low-end to multi-processors with hundreds of Gbs of memory.

Absolute Security

A bare-metal server means you're aware of the hardware and software stack. This allows you to remove any gaps that can compromise security.

The Perfect Environment For Your Success

Ultimate Performance

With dedicated resources, deliver the best user experience to high volumes of traffic through your website & stay online 24/7.

Enhanced Security

HOSTNOC offers a dedicated IP address and addon's DDoS protection, daily data backup and security monitoring to ensure your data is safe.

Flexibility and Control

A dedicated server gives you complete control over everything as you can configure your server according to your business demands.

Features & Specs

1 Gbps Dedicated Servers with features that can handle any workload with absolute ease.

99.99% Uptime Guaranteed

Our servers hardly crash. In case of down time, we'll provide SLA.


Proactively monitor server performance and receive instant alerts to resolve infrastructure problems

Enterprise SSDs

Our servers come with high-performing, always available robust SSD-based block storage


Easily configure your network with up-to-date range of IPv4/IPv6 addresses

Awesome Support

With our 10+ years in hosting & datacenter experience, you're in safe hands. Hostnoc.com is here for you around the clock, dedicated to serving you.

Private Networking

Enables servers to communicate within the same data center at no additional bandwidth costs

Fast Network

Having premium INAP Bandwidth enables us enjoy 12 different ISPs, thereby giving you the best routing and network performance in the industry.

Operating System

Launch your operating system or application with a single click

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Customized and dedicated IT Infrastructure Solutions at Affordable Prices

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