June 6, 2024
Secure Web Gateway

What is a Secure Web Gateway?

According to statistics, the next generation firewall market is expected to reach $4.3 billion by the end of 2023. 40% of firewalls are hosted on premises […]
May 22, 2024
Confidential Computing

Ultimate Guide To Confidential Computing

Data security and privacy is one of the biggest concerns for enterprises. Your sensitive business data is not safe whether it is in rest or in […]
January 12, 2024
Data Predictions

7 Data Predictions For 2024

2023 was the year for generative AI and large language models. Even artificial intelligence and large language models require lots of high quality data to deliver […]
January 10, 2024
Priorities IT Leaders

7 Priorities IT Leaders Must Set For 2024

As IT leaders gear up for the challenges and opportunities that 2024 brings, setting the right priorities is paramount. The rapidly evolving technological landscape demands a […]
July 19, 2023
Cloud Detection

7 Key Takeaways From Cloud Detection and Response Survey Report 2023

The rapid adoption of cloud-based technologies by businesses are encouraging cyberattackers to target them. This is why we are seeing an exponential rise in cyberattacks targeting […]
October 4, 2022
What are Experience Level Agreements

What are Experience Level Agreements: Practical Guide You Need

Service level agreements have long been the standard to evaluate the service quality of a service provider. It usually revolves around system availability and resolution time […]
March 1, 2022
Cyber Resilience Targets

6 Cyber Resilience Targets You Should Set and Achieve This Year

A comparison of 2021 with 2020 reveals a massive 50% increase in the number of cyberattacks. For the cherry on top, most of these attacks targeted […]
October 15, 2021
High Paying IT Skills

7 High Paying IT Skills to Take Your Career to The Next Level In 2022

According to a survey on IT skill shortages, 35% of IT leaders said that their IT functions are suffering due to a shortage of skilled workers […]
October 1, 2021
Enhance Your Enterprise Data Privacy

6 Proven Ways To Enhance Your Enterprise Data Privacy

According to data privacy statistics, the annual privacy expenditure has surpassed $1.2 million. Large scale enterprises spend an average of $1.9 million annually on data privacy […]
September 13, 2021
Prevent Domain Credential Theft

7 Important Things You Can Do To Prevent Domain Credential Theft

Domain credential theft have become a major issue. According to statistics, there are 15 billion stolen usernames and passwords circulating on the dark web. Additionally, credential […]
August 31, 2021
image 2021 10 05T09 49 28 296Z

7 Common Email Security Myths You Should Stop Believing In

Did you know that business email related scams cost businesses a whopping $676 million? According to statistics, 66% of malware is installed through malicious email attachments. […]
August 20, 2021
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7 Key Takeaways From Cost of Data Breach Report 2021

Do you know how much a data breach costs? According to the cost of data breach report 2020, the average cost of data breach stood at […]
August 17, 2021
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7 Shocking Things That We Learned At Black Hat USA 2021

Every year, Black Hat, one of the most popular security conferences in the world, attracts hundreds and thousands of security professionals and researchers. This year was […]
July 30, 2021
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7 Eye-Opening Loyalty and Reward Program Attacks You Should Know About

According to Forester research, loyalty card fraud increased by 89% in 2019 and the trend continued in 2020 and 2021.  Loyalty programs and reward apps continue […]
July 24, 2021
cyber challenges of hybrid work place

5 Cybersecurity Challenges Of A Hybrid Workplace You Should Be Ready To Face

According to hybrid work statistics, a vast majority of people (98%) would love to work remotely part-time throughout their careers. In fact, 68% of employees are […]
July 19, 2021
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7 Ways To Reduce Your Enterprise Attack Surface and Minimize The Risk

The adoption of cloud, remote work and BYOD trends have led to an exponential increase in the attack surface of enterprises. What’s even worse is that […]
July 19, 2021
image 2021 10 05T09 52 28 100Z

How To Investigate Phishing Attacks? A Step By Step Guide

According to the 2021 State of Phish report, 75% of organizations around the world experienced some kind of phishing attack in 2020 alone. Moreover, 65% of […]
July 2, 2021
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7 Proven Ways to Identify and Prevent Insider Threats

According to the Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report, 34% of all breaches in 2018 were caused by insiders. If that wasn’t alarming enough, the cost of […]
June 2, 2021
cyber attacks

Why Cyber attacks are Skyrocketing and How You Can Protect Your Business From Them

According to cybersecurity statistics, hackers attack every 39 seconds, and 43% of these cyber attacks target small businesses. What’s even worse is that the average cost […]
May 31, 2021
4 Key Lessons From RSA 2021 Conference Your Business Must Learn Quickly

4 Key Lessons From RSA 2021 Conference Your Business Must Learn Quickly

RSA Conference is one of the largest cybersecurity events in the world. The event attracts thousands of cybersecurity professionals and hundreds of speakers from around the […]
May 20, 2021
What is Delayed Phishing

Everything You Need to Know About Delayed Phishing

Your employees are the weakest link in your cybersecurity chain and cyber criminals are well aware of this weakness. This is why they have shifted their […]
April 22, 2021
6 Deadly Multi-Factor Authentication Mistakes You Should Never Make

6 Deadly Multi-Factor Authentication Mistakes You Should Never Make

Let us assume that your business solely relies on passwords for user authentication. Cyber criminals can easily guess or steal your passwords as most employees do […]
April 15, 2021
How COVID Is Impacting Cybercrime and What You Can Do About It

How COVID-19 Is Impacting Cybercrime and What You Can Do About It?

This COVID-19 pandemic has transformed every industry you can think of and cybersecurity is no exception. With countries around the world imposing lock downs, businesses are […]
April 6, 2021
How to Use Open Source Software Safelym On Table

How to Use Open Source Software Safely? 6 Best Practices to Adopt

Open source technology and tools have infiltrated every facet of your organization. In fact, most of the enterprise software is developed using open-source code. As DevOps […]
March 5, 2021
Ransomware Defense

7 Effective Ways in Which Ransomware Defense is Catching Up with Ransomware Attack

Ransomware attacks are one of the fastest-growing threats targeting businesses. The number of ransomware attacks is on the rise. Ransomware attacks are also evolving at a […]
January 27, 2021
solarwinds data breach

5 Key Lesson You Can Learn from SolarWinds Data Breach

When the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) revealed that a persistent hacker group was behind the incident and they used multiple […]
November 25, 2020

7 Reasons Why Every Business Should Use DMARC

DMARC stands for Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance. It is basically the technology and system used to authenticate and validate emails. It acts as a […]
November 13, 2020
new year resolutions for CISOs

5 Ambitious New Year’s Resolutions for CISOs in 2021

Put yourself in the shoes of a CISO for a moment. You will have to deal with challenges such as ensuring strategic alignment, complying with regulations, […]
October 20, 2020
cyber secuirty trends 2021

7 Cybersecurity Trends You Cannot Afford to Miss In 2021

Pandemic, lockdowns, business closures, bankruptcies, remote work, phishing attacks. Phew! We have already gone through a lot in 2020. Coronavirus has forced businesses to embrace remote […]
October 12, 2020
microsoft zerologon

Microsoft Zerologon Flaw: All You Need to Know About the Latest Threat

Microsoft identified a critical vulnerability in Windows Net logon Remote Protocol. Things got a lot serious when reports pointed towards cyber attackers actively exploiting that security […]
October 6, 2020
cost of a data breach report 2020

7 Key Takeaways from Cost of Data Breach Report 2020

Did you know the average cost of a data breach? According to the cost of data breach report 2020, the average cost of a data breach […]
September 8, 2020
cyber security maturity

5 Effective Ways to Enhance the Cybersecurity Maturity of Your Organization

When you were a kid, you might have heard your parents say, “grow up and be more mature.” Yes, most of us might not have understood […]
August 17, 2020
election security

4 Effective Ways to Improve Election Security

The US general election is just around the corner and election security has become one of the hottest topics. COVID-19 is showing no signs of slowing […]
August 12, 2020
endpoint security

5 Important Reasons Why Your Business Must Spend Money on Endpoint Security

Turn back the clock to two-decade back and you will realize that there are only a handful of devices that you can easily count on your […]
June 26, 2020
cyber security

7 Cyber Security Skills That Are In High Demand Today

You are inspired by technology, which is why you choose to pursue a career in computer science. To make your dream come true, you graduated with […]
June 17, 2020
IG hostnoc 5 Effective Ways to Recover 02

5 Effective Ways to Recover from A Cyber Attack

News of data breaches and cybersecurity attacks frequently make headlines, which clearly shows the ubiquity of these attacks. What’s even more interesting is the fact that […]
June 10, 2020
CIO biz communication

5 Effective Ways in Which CIOs Can Master Business Communication

Communication can play an important role in the success and failure of your IT team. That is why it is essential for cybersecurity leaders to hone […]
June 1, 2020
patching tips 1

6 Patching Tips from Experts That Will Help You in A Pandemic

Patch management has always been a challenge for IT and cybersecurity teams as they do not only have to deliver patches frequently for bugs but also […]
May 28, 2020
6 tips cyber security management

6 Useful Tips For Cybersecurity Management During COVID-19

This coronavirus outbreak has impacted millions of businesses around the world and your business could be one of them. With most businesses either forced to shut […]
April 21, 2020
cyber security lessons covid19

4 Valuable Cybersecurity Lessons Businesses Can Learn From COVID-19 Pandemic

Coronavirus has brought the world to a standstill. Despite all the doom and gloom, there are some positives that most of us can get takeaways from […]
April 17, 2020
IG hostnoc 5 Steps Hackers BANNER

The Journey of a Cyber Attacker: 5 Steps Hackers Take To Steal Your Data and Money

With the news of cybersecurity attacks and data breaches getting media attention both in print and electronic media, businesses are worried about how they can keep […]
April 13, 2020
7 phishing attacks covid19

7 Common Types of Phishing Attacks Cybercriminals are Launching During This Pandemic

Cybersecurity professionals are always on their toes, but more so during a crisis such as a coronavirus pandemic. Cyber attackers are using this as an opportunity […]
April 2, 2020
RSA conference 1

7 Key Takeaways from RSA 2020 Conference That Will Open Your Eyes

RSA 2020 Conference, which took place in Moscone Center, San Francisco 24-28 February 2020. It attracted 36,000 attendees, 700+ speakers and 650+ exhibitors, who united to […]
March 20, 2020
coronavirus VPN

4 Reasons Why Your Remote Workers Must Use A Dedicated VPN During Coronavirus Outbreak

Digital technology has changed the way we used to do things. From shopping to entertainment, communication to learning, the Internet has left its mark on every […]
March 20, 2020
coronavirus 2

5 Shady Email Campaigns Hackers Are Launching To Trick People During Coronavirus

WHO has officially declared coronavirus as a pandemic and rightly so. It has already affected 200,000 people in 160 countries around the world. To exploit this […]
March 11, 2020
7 alarming reasons ransonware attack

7 Alarming Reasons Why Your Business Is at Risk of Ransomware Attacks

Are you aware of the fact that ransomware attacks target a business every 11 seconds? According to statistics, ransomware attacks will cost companies $20 billion by […]
March 2, 2020
cybersecurity mistakes 750x465 1

5 Common Cybersecurity Mistakes That Allows Cybercriminals to Get Away

Like humans, businesses also make mistakes. They might get away from some but will have to pay a hefty price for others. When it comes to […]
January 31, 2020
proxy vs vpn 750x465 1

Proxy Vs VPN: Which One Your Business Should Choose and Why

The growing security and privacy concerns on the internet, increasing surveillance and censorship and inability to access international content have forced businesses to hide their identity […]
January 28, 2020
AI Cybersecurity in 2020 750x465 1

6 Ways in Which AI Will Impact Cybersecurity In 2020

Artificial intelligence is one of the most discussed topics as it has applications in virtually every vertical that we can think of and cybersecurity is no […]
December 5, 2019
7 endpoint security solutions 1 1 1 750x465 1

7 Types of Endpoint Security Solutions Enterprises Should Invest In

Endpoint security might seem trivial at first, but when you dig deeper, it is a vast domain that encompasses your entire organization. With dozens of endpoints […]
November 19, 2019
data encryption best practices 1

5 Data Encryption Best Practices Business Should Follow To Secure Their Data

The news of data breaches constantly makes headlines and if you are a business owner, it can send chills down your spine. Data breaches are common […]
November 12, 2019
cyber monday black friday cybersecurity tips 1

7 Effective Cybersecurity Tips for Black Friday and Cyber Monday

The holiday season is just around the corner. Leading eCommerce websites will offer irresistible deals and discounts on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Online sales are […]
October 29, 2019
social engineered attacks 1

7 Common Social Engineering Attacks Your Business Should Be Aware Of

Kevin Mitnick, one of the most popular hackers in the world, wrote a book titled, “The Art of Deception.” Published in 2001, it is still considered […]
September 2, 2019
data encryption best practices 1

7 Effective Cybersecurity Frameworks Your Business Should Implement Right Now

When you start a cybersecurity program in your organization, you might come across numerous challenges. Add to that the number of things you need to take […]
August 27, 2019
application security 1

Take Your Application Security to The Next Level With These 7 Best Practices

According to Trustwave Global Security report, 86% of tested applications have one or more session management vulnerability and 92% of web applications have security flaws and […]
July 30, 2019
7 cybersurity misconceptions 1

7 Common Cybersecurity Misconceptions You Should Clear Right Away

In an age where cybercrime has become one of the biggest threats for businesses around the world, you cannot afford to stay on the backfoot. Unfortunately, […]
July 23, 2019
beef up cyber security 1

7 Steps Small Businesses Can Take To Beef Up Their Cybersecurity

Imagine being an entrepreneur who has worked hard to get his small business off the ground and feeling the wrath of cybercriminals who paralyzes your business […]
July 17, 2019
zero day exploits 1

5 Simple, Yet Effective Ways to Protect Your Business from Zero-Day Exploits

Cybersecurity is like a cat and mouse race. Hackers are trying to fulfill their malicious designs while cybersecurity professionals are working hard, day in day out, […]
July 9, 2019
endpoint security 1

7 Critical Elements That Your Endpoint Security Strategy Must Have

With so many devices at our disposal these days, we are no longer tied to a single device anymore. This has given rise to the BYOD […]
July 3, 2019
vps security 1

Make Your Linux VPS Hacker Proof by Using These 7 Effective Ways

With news of data breaches constantly making headlines, businesses are looking for secure and reliable solutions. If you are one of those businesses that prioritize security […]
June 28, 2019
cyber security tools 1

5 Types of Cybersecurity Tools That Your Business Should Invest in Right Now

No one can deny the fact the cyber-attacks will become more dangerous as time progresses. Businesses will continue to be a target for cybercriminals as they […]
June 24, 2019
phishing attacks protections 1

8 Ways to Protect Your Business from Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks are on the rise and becoming more sophisticated and complex with each passing day. According to Symantec, phishing attacks targeting businesses have increased across […]
June 14, 2019
25 1 1

4 Convincing Reasons Why Blockchain Is the Answer to All Your Data Security Woes

Whenever a new technology appears on the horizon, it is surrounded by hype. This hype can work in its favor or against it depending on whether […]
June 3, 2019
25 2

7 Pivotal Things Your Business Must Consider When Buying a VPN

With web surveillance becoming tighter, individuals and businesses are struggling to access the content they want and keep their browsing session private at the same time. […]
May 29, 2019
1 01 1

7 Password Best Practices You Can Adopt To Make Your Passwords Hacker proof

According to the Verizon data breach investigation report, 81% of hacking-related data breaches took place last year due to weak or stolen passwords. This clearly shows […]
May 21, 2019
spear phishing 1

7 Effective Ways to Protect Your Business from Spear Phishing Attacks

Did you know that majority of cyber attacks on enterprise networks start with spear phishing emails? According to a research by security software firm Trend Micro, […]
May 16, 2019
nist cybersecurity framework 1

5 Critical Functions of NIST Cybersecurity Framework Businesses Should Know About

Cyber security was and still is one of the biggest pains in the neck for businesses. Hackers constantly find vulnerabilities in secure systems and exploit them […]
May 9, 2019
Stojancho Chavdarov 1

Stojancho Chavdarov Offers Invaluable Insights On Web Security

Stojancho Chavdarov is the Senior Network Engineer at Amazon. Stonjancho has over 15 years of experience in tech.
May 6, 2019
6 things you can do with VPN 1

6 Unique Things You Could Do With a VPN That You Didn’t Know About

Internet is an open medium, which could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on which side of the coin you are looking at. […]
March 12, 2019
7 way to effection

7 Effective Ways to Protect Your Business from Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware, which was once a buzzword, has now become a major security threat for businesses around the globe. From making their data inaccessible to costing millions […]
January 18, 2019
privacy policy

7 Critical Steps Your Business Must Take Today To Implement BYOD Policy Immediately

You are addicted to your smart-phone and rely on it for most of your daily tasks. Whether it is sending emails, working on documents, playing games, […]
December 31, 2018
5 common types of hacker

5 Common Types of Hackers You Need To Be Aware Of

We are constantly being bombarded with news telling us about hackers stealing sensitive information from companies. It sends shivers down our spine. Despite all the efforts […]
December 24, 2018
7 Common Tactics

7 Common Tactics Cybercriminals Use To Launch A Successful Cyber Security Attack

Cybersecurity professionals and hackers are always engaged in a cat and mouse race with both trying to out do one another. If you go by the […]
December 20, 2018
latest trend

7 Latest IT Security Trends to Help you Breathe Easy In 2019

If you look at 2018 from a security standpoint, there is a lot that has conspired over the course of the last 12 months. 2019 will […]
August 9, 2018
ddos osi layer 1 1

DDoS Vulnerabilities on Separate Layers of the OSI Model & How to Mitigate Them

If you have previously worked in the telecommunication field, most vendors you come across make an attempt to explain products and services in terms of the […]
August 9, 2018
website hacked 1 1

7 Cyber Security Red Flags that Your Website is Hacked

Your business is flourishing, and your website is converting your visitors into paying customers. To ensure that this flow continues, you have installed the latest malware […]
August 9, 2018
automation ddos prevention 1 1

Intelligent Automation Open New Gates to Tackle Modern Day Cyber Risks Abundantly

As we are entering into the next phase of digitization with IoT, cloud-based technologies and 5G mobility, we observe that new cybersecurity threats are making their […]

Featured Post

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How to Update Your Python Version?

Update Your Python Version is crucial for ensuring that you have access to the latest features, performance improvements and security patches. This guide will walk you […]

Top 10 Affiliate Marketing Tools

Affiliate marketing has become a crucial component of many digital marketing strategies, allowing individuals and companies to earn commissions by promoting products and services. Success in […]

7 Best Affiliate Marketing Blogs Every Affiliate Marketer

Affiliate marketing blog is a dynamic and ever-evolving field, with trends, strategies, and technologies constantly changing. To stay ahead of the curve and ensure success, it […]


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Top 10 Affiliate Marketing Tools

Affiliate marketing has become a crucial component of many digital marketing strategies, allowing individuals and companies to earn commissions by promoting products and services. Success in […]

7 Best Affiliate Marketing Blogs Every Affiliate Marketer

Affiliate marketing blog is a dynamic and ever-evolving field, with trends, strategies, and technologies constantly changing. To stay ahead of the curve and ensure success, it […]

Celebrate Independence Day 4th of July with HOSTNOC: Massive Savings on HN-B1 Servers!

As we gear up to Celebrate Independence Day 4th of July, HOSTNOC is excited to announce a special Celebrate Independence Day 4th of July that will light […]

Dedicated Server

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7 Cloud Trends That Will Impact IT Industry In 2024

Cloud trends IT industry is rapidly evolving but you won’t know it if you see the market share of some of the big names in the […]

HDD Dedicated Servers Vs SSD Dedicated Servers: Which One You Should Choose and Why?

When setting up a website, choosing the right web hosting service and storage solution is crucial. While shared and virtual servers are options, a dedicated server […]

7 Ways To Enhance The Efficiency of Your Servers

Did you know what is the biggest energy consumer in your data centers? It is your server. A major chunk of your data center energy costs […]


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How To Configure Custom Sticky Buttons On WordPress?

WordPress has become one of the most popular and user-friendly content management systems, allowing users to create and manage websites with ease. One valuable feature that […]

7 Effective Tips to Boost the Speed of Your Website

You are in a hurry and want to get some information from the internet. You search the internet and click on the link that looks more […]

WordPress 6.0: 5 New Features You Should Keep An Eye On

After launching WordPress 5.9 a few months back, which brought much-needed improvements to the editing experience, WordPress is taking things a step further by integrating full […]

Security Monitoring

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Top 10 Cloud Security Challenges, According To SUSE Survey

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, Cloud Security computing has emerged as a transformative force, offering organizations unmatched scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. However, amidst the boundless […]

IT as a Service: Transforming Digital Enterprises For The Better

You might be familiar with Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) but have you ever heard […]

How To Stop Emails From Going To Spam?

Did you know that 85% of all emails are spam? According to email spam statistics,  122.33 billion email messages are sent every day. In fact, the […]

Cloud Management

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How Small and Mid-size Businesses Can Make The Most of the Cloud Without Getting Stuck?

According to Accenture data, Only 44% of businesses have adopted the cloud globally. This means that there are still 56% of businesses who have not adopted […]

Top 10 Cloud Security Challenges, According To SUSE Survey

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, Cloud Security computing has emerged as a transformative force, offering organizations unmatched scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. However, amidst the boundless […]

Cloud Repatriation: Everything You Need To Know

In cloud Repatriation vast majority of businesses who have jumped on the cloud bandwagon are unable to take full advantage of it. Limited control, lack of […]

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